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Extra Elements for YOOtheme Pro
cf panel slider cf emotion accordeon cf counter cf timeline cf comparison slider cf simple form cf structured data cf dropdown cf modal cf typer cf simple lottie
cf panel slider cf emotion accordeon cf counter cf timeline cf comparison slider cf simple form cf structured data cf dropdown cf modal cf typer cf simple lottie

Extending the YOOtheme Pro Element Library

Since its launch in 2016, we have been actively working with YOOtheme Pro and have found it to be an excellent framework. As we continued to develop numerous websites using YOOtheme Pro, we realized the need for additional elements in the library to bring our ideas to life. That’s why we started developing our own custom YOOtheme Pro elements.

We are very proud that some of our elements have gained considerable popularity and demand, to the extent that YOOtheme itself has decided to incorporate them into the YOOtheme Pro Page builder. One example is our Panel Slider, which has garnered significant adoption within the Community and has subsequently become a native Element.

We believe that together we can develop a better way to build awesome websites!

A first look

The element showcased here is is in fact one of our very own creations: the cf Counter. It displays an incremental counting number and automatically completes a full cycle when it enters the user’s viewport. Its configuration options are conveniently accessible through the Builder, as demonstrated in the accompanying screenshots below.




1 k+


so far!

cf Step Form Release 🚀

Create your custom form displayed in multiple slides that reacts on different inputs!

Discover our YOOtheme Pro elements

cloudfood elements

For the moment we offer fifteen different elements for YOOtheme Pro. We think every element is great to expand the existing element list and offers you a lot more design opportunities for your webpage.

More elements are in the works.

  • cf Headline Hero

    (excl. VAT)
  • cf Step Form

    (excl. VAT)
  • cf Infinity Slider

    (excl. VAT)
  • cf Sidenav

    (excl. VAT)
  • cf Simple Lottie

    (excl. VAT)
  • cf Typer

    (excl. VAT)
  • cf Modal

    (excl. VAT)
  • cf Dropdown

    (excl. VAT)
  • cf Structured Data

    (excl. VAT)
  • cf Simple Form

    (excl. VAT)

    New builder elements